When you multiply decimal fractions or mixed decimals, you use the same procedure as for
whole numbers. Then you locate the position of the decimal point.
If you were working on a job at a salary of
.50 per hour, how much money would you make if
you worked 48 hours?
$ 1.50 Salary
48 Number of hours worked
12 00
60 0
.00 Pay
You will receive .00 for 48 hours work. Let's see how you solve this problem.
First, write the mixed decimal.
Fifth, count the number of
digits to the right of the
Second, put the whole number
decimal point in numbers
under it.
being multiplied. (2)
12 00
Third, multiply.
60 0
Sixth, mark off the same
Fourth, find the product.
number of digits from the
two places
right in your answer.
To find how many decimal places there will be in the answer in a multiplication problem, count
the number of digits to the
of the decimal point in the numbers being