Table 1-5. Existing Conditions
(2) Once you have determined the existing conditions, use Table 1-6 to estimate the site
preparation time. This is based on the site condition and the engineering assets available. This
information is estimated and should be used only as an estimate. These estimates are for a standard FP
module. If the current mission involves more equipment, space, or services, site preparation times will
increase accordingly.
EXAMPLE: If the overall site condition is poor, the preparation time, using an Engineer Battalion
(CH), would be between 48 and 72 hours.
Table 1-6 Estimated Man-hours for Site Preparation
d. Road Construction. Roads in the FP compound must be able to support heavy vehicles such
as rough-terrain forklifts, HETs, and the tracked vehicles of tenant units. If not constructed correctly,
roads will require constant maintenance to keep them serviceable under heavy traffic conditions.
e. Drainage. Since the majority of FP subsystems are tent-based, drainage is a top concern.
Subsystems should be positioned to allow proper drainage of the site and to avoid drainage of nearby
land into the FP area. Runoff due to heavy rain must be channeled away from key subsystems. The
latrines should always be positioned downhill from the kitchen to prevent runoff from reaching the
cooking area. Local regulations and climate will affect the actions, which must be taken for positive
drainage control. When laying out the FP site, keep in mind the desired elevation relationships between
subsystems (Figure 1-8).