Issuing water is perhaps the most important responsibility at the water point. To solve the issues of
suitability, mission and distribution requirements, and schedules and improvements, it is very important to
manage completed water reports.
Continued Suitability of Selected Site. The principal form to use in determining the continued
suitability of selected site is DA Form 1713-R (Daily Water Product Log)(Figures 2-1 and 2-2). Using this
form, you will need to note:
The recording of any changes in the raw water pH (may indicate pollutants and/or NBC agents).
Any pH of 3.5 or below during RO element cleaning (may indicate damaged RO elements).
A decrease in product water output of several gallons per minute without a change in raw water
temperature (may indicate that RO element cleaning is required).
An increase in product water flow (may indicate damaged RO elements).
A change in the total dissolved solids of the raw water source.
You will also need to note:
When the reverse osmosis pressure shown rises (may indicate RO element cleaning is required or the
pressure gage may be defective).
When the cartridge filter pressure differential shown rises over 20 psi (may indicate the cartridge filters
need to be replaced or the pressure gage may be defective).
When the media filter pressure differential shown rises over 10 psid or 5 psid over initial reading (may
indicate backwashing is required or the pressure gage may be defective).
When the raw water flow is 25 GPM or less (may indicate troubleshooting is required or the gage may be
When there is a noticeable increase in brine flow and the adjustment of the regulate product flow valve
does not correct the problem (may indicate RO element cleaning is required or the gage may be
When there is a 20 percent increase in the reverse osmosis vessel pressure differential initial reading
(may indicate RO element cleaning is required or the gage may be defective).
When there is a total dissolved solids of the product water reading of over 1,000 ppm (may indicate RO
element cleaning is required or the gage may be defective).
Then you will need to analyze any periods of downtime that impact operations or any unusual
consumption of supplies, and recommend corrective action as necessary.
Plan and Organize DS/GS Mission Requirements. The principal form in planning and
organizing DS/GS mission requirements is DA Form 1713-R (Figures. 2-1 and 2-2). Using this form you will
need to note the recording for reordering supplies based on the following information:
Unit's basic load on hand.
Rates of consumption of the products.
Size of issue and the supply turnaround.
Organization of scheduled and nonscheduled maintenance.
Organization of personnel requirements for peak periods of production, issue, and maintenance so that
the water points are properly manned.
Developing water issue and distribution schedules.
Analyzing any periods of downtime that impact operations or any unusual consumption of supplies.
Corrective action as necessary.
QM 4922