Lesson 1: Inspect Petroleum Markings, Vehicles, and EquipmentPart A: Inspection of Petroleum MarkingsTank Capacity Tire Pressure, Hearing Protection, Diesel Fuel Only, Lift Bulk Systems.Bulk Systems. - ContinuedLesson 1. Practice Exercise - QM50940012Lesson 2: Supervise the Operation of Filter/SeparatorsPart A: Use of Filter/Separators.Figure 2-1. Typical flow through a filter/separator.Part B: Different Types of Pumps and Their CharacteristicsFigure 2-4. 100-GPM pumping assembly.Lesson 2. Practice Exercise - QM50940018Lesson 3: Direct the Use of PumpsPart A: Types of Power UnitsPart B: Principles of PumpsLesson 3. Practice Exercise - QM50940022Lesson 4: Supervise Petroleum Tank Vehicle OperationsPart A: Tank TrucksFigure 4-1. M131A5C 5,000-gallon semitrailer.M969 5,000-Gallon SemitrailerVapor Recovery System.Part B: Gaging Petroleum Tank VehiclesLesson 4. Practice Exercise - QM50940029Lesson 5: Direct Unit Maintenance Within The Army Maintenance Management SystemPart A: Technical ManualsPart B: The Equipment Record FolderPart B: The Equipment Record Folder - ContinuedLesson 5. Practice Exercise - QM50940035Lesson 6: Direct Refuel On the Move (ROM) OperationsPart A: Refuel-On-The-Move ConceptPart C: ROM Environmental and Safety ProceduresPart E: Refueling OperationsLesson 6. Practice Exercise.Lesson 7: Direct The Assembly, Operation, PMCS, And Disassembly Of The HEMTT.Part A: EquipmentPart B: Equipment LayoutPart C: OperationRecirculation modeLesson 7. Practice Exercise - QM50940048Lesson 8: Direct The Loading And Unloading Of Waterborne Barges And TankersPart A: TankersPart C: Waterfront FacilitiesPart F: Unloading ProceduresLesson 8. Practice Exercise - QM50940053Lesson 9: Direct Rail Car OperationsPart A: Inspection of Rail CarsPart E: Procedures for Loading Tank CarsFigure 9-1. Loading from the bottom.Part F: Procedures for Unloading Tank CarsUnloading Tank Car.Part G: Cleaning Tank Rail CarsLesson 9. Practice ExerciseAppendix: Glossary - QM50940063Section II: Terms - QM50940064Lesson 1 Practice Exercise Answer Key and Feedback - QM50940065Direct Tank Vehicles