Were the correct chemicals and/or indicators used?
Was the correct amount used?
Was the chemical outdated/standardized?
Was it cloudy? If so, was it filtered or was supernatant used?
If a substitute was used, is it acceptable according to ASTM procedures?
Bath and oven temperatures must be checked before, during, and upon completion of a test.
Correctly calibrated thermometers must be used.
Thermometers must be checked for liquid separation.
Heating rates and times must be as stated in the text.
Apparatus must be cooled to room temperature prior to performing another test.
Ensure correct size of flame (flash point, Conradson carbon residue [CCR]).
Ensure correct size of filter (millipore).
Ensure removal of air bubbles (API gravity, penetration).
Ensure correct relative centrifugal force (RCF)/revolutions per minute (RPM) (bottom sediment and
Ensure correct amount of pressure (gum, foam, oxidation stability).
Ensure the use of one of the following to determine the correction factor, if needed.
- Manometer.
- Barometer.
- Thermometer.
Ensure procedure is correctly reported.
Test Evaluation Process (Procedural Example). The following steps are taken to perform the
test evaluation:
Given a petroleum sample, complete with sample tag, DA Form 1804 (Petroleum Sample).
Determine the military specification number. This number is found on the sample tag and on the sample
Determine the product properties. These are found in the military specification.
Determine the test procedure. Look up the Carbon residue test in the specification.
Perform the test in conjunction with ASTM D-524. You must perform all steps in the proper sequence.
Observe the test being performed and ensure each step is done "by the book."
When a sample is turned into the petroleum laboratory for analysis, the senior petroleum laboratory
technician transfers the information from the DA Form 1804 (Fig. 3-1) to the heading of the DA Form 2077
(Fig. 3-2).
Product Nomenclature.
Specification No.
Sample Submitted By.
Amount Product Sample Represents.
Manufacturer or Supplier of Product.
Source of Sample.
Sample Taken By.
National stock number (NSN).
Date Sample Taken.
QM 5181