You must ensure that the generator set is completely serviced with fuel, coolant, and lubricating oil. Before any
troubleshooting, check that all electrical connections are correct and operating controls are in the correct positions. The
following is a list of malfunctions:
Engine fails to crank when START-STOP-RUN switch is moved to START position.
Engine cranks but will not start.
Engine runs when START-RUN-STOP SWITCH is held in START position but stops when switch is set to RUN.
Engine runs erratically or misfires.
Low oil pressure indicated on oil pressure gage.
Noisy turbocharger.
Turbocharger leaks oil.
High oil pressure indicated on oil pressure gage.
High or low coolant temperature indicated on coolant temperature gage.
Battery charging ammeter shows no charging when batteries are low or discharged.
Battery charging ammeter indicates excessive charging rate after prolonged operation.
AC voltmeter does not indicate any set voltage.
AC voltage too high or too low.
AC voltage fluctuates.
Erratic frequency indicator on frequency meter.
Frequency meter or kilo-watt meter fails to register.
Engine generator set shuts down, NO FUEL indicator illuminates, but sufficient fuel remains in main tank for operation.
Engine generator set shuts down, HIGH COOLANT TEMP indicator illuminates, but coolant temperature is normal.
Engine generator set shuts down, over speed indicator illuminates, but engine speed is normal.
All meters read correctly except voltmeter reads off scale high.
Circuit breaker switch is closed and indicator does not light.
Main AC contactor (CB2) will not close.