(4) Recommends storage programs designed to provide balanced BPWRS level at DESPs.
For the Army, his process starts at DA, DCSOPS. The USAPC receives a force list from each Unified Command.
For the Navy/Marines, a list is passed to the NAVPETOFF; and for the USAF, the list is passed to Det 29.
USAPC converts the force lists to fuel requirements based on equipment usage rates and the days of supply
guidance from JCS. The data generated gets entered on DD Form 1887, "BPWRS for Terminal Storage."
USAPC distributes the DD Form 1887 to the Army component of Unified Commands; for example, for Europe,
the DD Form 1887 is sent to 200th TAMMC.
a. There is one JPO for each Unified Command:
(1) Atlantic Command; headquarters located at Norfolk, VA, is responsible for the Atlantic Ocean,
Greenland, Iceland, and numerous smaller islands.
(2) Southern Command; headquarters located in Panama, is responsible for Central and South
(3) Central Command; headquarters located at MacDill AFB, FL, is responsible for 19 countries in
Northeast Africa and Middle East.
(4) European Command; headquarters located at Stuttgart, GE, is responsible for Europe, Israel, and
the majority of Africa.
(5) Pacific Command; headquarters located at Pearl Harbor, HI, is responsible for the Pacific and
Indian Ocean, Japan, Korea, and Thailand.
b. JPO duties are:
(1) Coordinate and reconcile IMP data prepared by the military services for overseas location before
sending DD Form 1887 to DESC-O.
(2) Monitor overseas theater and DESP inventories and notify J4 and DESC-O when inviolate levels
are breached.
(3) Coordinate regional data in their area for inclusion in the IMP.
Military Services.
a. Compute BPWRR by location and product for the DOS as set by the JCS.