NOTE: The "C" Factor Formula is based on Pressure Loss per 1,000 Feet.
(4) The following equation is used to determine the coefficient of corrosion.
Where: C = coefficient of corrosion
Q = rate of flow, barrels per hour
D = inside diameter of pipe in inches
P = pressure loss (PSI. per 1,000 feet of pipe length
G = specific (SG) gravity of product
NOTE: In the formula, 66 is a constant, Q and p are raised powers to 0.54, and p is a raised power to 2.63.
NOTE: By using a calculator that has an X><Y "Universal Power Key," the individual can compute any number
raised to a power.
Calculator Example: Inside Pipe Diameter, inches, = d
Pipe diameter: d = 12.481
Raised to (2.63 power) = 764
Use your calculator: Universal Power Key
NOTE: If decimal place is .5 or greater, round up; if decimal place is under .5, round down