g. Communications. All communications are checked from the dock to the vessel and to the tank farm.
h. Pollution Control Equipment. Booms and skimmer boas are made ready to be deployed.
i. Fire-Fighting Equipment. Portable fire extinguishers are placed at all critical locations.
j. Terminal Commander. The terminal commander is responsible for all operations starting at the ship's
(2) Hose watch.
(3) Shift changes.
k. Shipboard Actions. The master of the vessel is responsible for all shipboard actions.
l. Paperwork:
(1) Tanker activity report. The tanker activity report is used as a worksheet to fill out the DD Form
(2) DD Form 250-1.
a. Valve Seals. Prior to the valves being unloaded, the valves aboard the vessel are checked to ensure
they have been sealed, and the seal numbers have been recorded on DD Form 250-1.
b. Pumping. For JP-4, pumping will commence at a reduced flow rate not to exceed 3 feet per second
until the fill line in the tank is covered with fuel.
c. Delays. Any delays will be recorded in the time section of DD Form 250-1. This may determine who
pays demurrage.
d. Stripping. Once the centrifugal pumps lose suction, the stripper pumps are brought on line and the
tanks are pumped dry.
e. Completion of Off Loading. When the ships tanks are empty, they are inspected by terminal
personnel and a dry tank certificate is issued. If product is found in a tank and cannot be removed, that fact is
recorded in the remarks section of the DD Form 250-1.