1300 -- begin receiving "Bach, 1-66, MOGAS, into terminal
for 4 hours"
1700 -- begin receiving "Batch, 3-56, diesel fuel, into
terminal until shutdown at 2000"
Head Terminal:
0001 -- begin receiving "Batch, 1-62, MOGAS, into terminal
for 4 hours"
0400 -- begin receiving "Batch, 3-54, diesel fuel, into
terminal until shutdown at 0800"
Pump Stations:
0001 -- pump station #1, bring station on-line when
suction pressure of 20 psi is received
Link -- remaining stations go on-line with 20 psi of
suction pressure.
NOTE: All stations report time on-line, suction, and
discharge pressure. Stations will report hourly
0800 -- pump station #4, will go off-line;
pump station #3, will go off-line due to high
pressure, idle of pumps, IAW SOP for packed line
NOTE: Report off-line time IAW SOP.
2000 -- pump stations #1 and 2 will go off-line IAW SOP
for packed line condition.
NOTE 1: Product receipt/arrival time is approximate.
NOTE 2: Location will conduct line sampling 15 minutes
prior to expected interface.
NOTE 3: Interface cuts and disposition is responsibility
of the terminal commander if not directed by this order.
The orders to all locations on the pipeline are listed in the daily pumping order for going on-line and off-line.
Local SOPs should detail procedures for operations.