ANSWERS: linear
(1) 2 square yards x 9 18 square feet
(2) 432 square inches + 144 3 square feet
432 square inches t 1,296 1/3 square yard or .333 square
(3) 10 square yards x 9 90 square feet
90 square feet x 144 12,960 square inches
A rectangle is a plane surface having four sides. The opposite sides are equal
and parallel. All angles are right angles.
Look at the rectangle below.
(1) Side a side b and is parallel.
(2) Side c side ____ and is
(3) All angles are __________
angles, or 90.
Consider this rectangle and suppose it to be divided as shown.
(4) Each of the small squares is 1 inch on a side. You can call each an inch
square, and you say it has an area of one square inch. You say the area of this
rectangle is 12 square inches because it is made up of _________________ squares,
each measuring 1 inch. In this problem you can see that to find the area of the
rectangle, you can count the square inches or simply multiply one side times the
other; that is, multiply length times width.
3 inches x 4 inches ____________ square inches
Now you understand by the formula for the area of a rectangle is:
Area Length x Width A = L x W