you determine the use of available resources in the set-up process. ARTEP 42-424-30-MITP contains
crew drills which give detailed set-up instructions for all subsystems. Technical manuals for these
subsystems and components also give setup information.
(3) Availability of critical resources such as the 4K and 10K forklifts will affect set-up time.
Use these resources to set up priority subsystems. Follow the staking plan. This will also help to
minimize set-up time by preventing the need to relocate subsystem components.
(4) During setup, the contents of all TRICONs and ISOs should be inventoried using the
packing list inside each container. Items and equipment should also be checked for serviceability.
Unserviceable items should be tagged. Shortages or damage should be reported to company
headquarters so replacements can be procured as quickly as possible. All packing material and dunage
should be saved and stored in unused TRICONs for redeployment.
c. Defense. The appropriate defensive posture should be maintained throughout the set-up
process. During setup, the commander and other leaders should set up the previously planned unit
defense, employ physical security and operations security measures, plan for and maintain preparations
for NBC conditions, and plan damage control operations. These preparations and measures should take
all available resources into consideration including those of visiting tenant units.
Redeployment. When the order is received to redeploy FP, the QM FP Company commander
will start redeployment activities. Administration activities are performed and redeployment training
activities are undertaken. Company supply activities are done to turn in excess items and resupply the
company for movement to the home station. Maintenance actions are started to prepare the company's
organic vehicles and equipment for movement to home station. At the same time, the company begins
preparing the FP subsystems for dismantlement and redeployment.
a. Redeployment of the FP Module. A FP module cannot be relocated and will be returned to a
CONUS depot for refurbishment following each deployment. The company commander must clear
hand receipt of the module to AMC, so it is important that care be taken to redeploy all module
components in the best possible condition. Before each subsystem is dismantled, you should ensure
each subsystem is free of excess dirt and debris to facilitate packing.
(1) Subsystems with potable water, graywater, or blackwater systems should be flushed with
highly chlorinated water and then flushed with potable water to sanitize the systems.