Training and Doctrine Command
water quality analysis set, engineer
turbidity units
water quality analysis set, purification
tactical water distribution systems
water storage and distribution system
unit identification code
executive officer
Section II.
presence of disease-producing bacteria. A specific type of
Adsorption - The adherence of dissolved, col-
Discharge - (1) As applied to a stream, the rate of flow or
loidal, and finely divided matter on the surfaces
volume of water flowing at a given place within a period
of solid bodies with which they are brought in
of time. (2) The process of water or other liquid passing
contact (not to be confused with absorption).
through an opening or along a conduit or channel. (3)
Thewater or other liquid which emerges from an opening
Bacteria - Primitive microscopic plants, generally
or passes along a conduit or channel.
free of pigment, which reproduce by dividing.
They do not require light for their life processes.
Disinfectant - Any oxidant, including but not limited to
chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines, and ozone
Chlorination - Treatment of water by the addition
added to water in any part of the treatment or
of chlorine either as a gas or liquid, or in the
distribution process, that is intended to kill or inactivate
form of hypochlorite, usually for the purpose of
pathogenic microorganisms.
disinfection or oxidation.
Disinfection - The process of killing most (but not
Chlorine - A powerful disinfectant used exten-
necessarily all) of the harmful and objectionable
sively in water treatment. As a gas, its color is
microorganisms in a fluid by various agents such as
greenish-yellow and it is about 2 1/2 times
chemicals, heat, ultraviolet light, ultrasonic waves, or
heavier than air. As a liquid, it is amber and
about 1 1/2 times heavier than water. It is toxic
to all organisms and corrosive to most metals.
Dissolved Solids - Solids that are present in solution.
Chlorine, Combined, Available Residual - That
Drawdown - The lowering of the water surface in a well
portion of the total residual chlorine remaining in
and of the water table or piezometric surface adjacent to
water at the end of a specified contract period
the well resulting from the withdrawal of water from the
which will react chemically and biologically as
well by pumping. Drawdown is the difference between
chloramines or organic chloramines.
static level and pumping level.
Chlorine Demand - The difference between the
amount of chlorine added to water and the
from a liquid state, at temperatures below the boiling
amount of residual chlorine remaining at the end
point, to vapor. It is the principal process by which
of a specified contact period. Chlorine demand
surface or subsurface water is converted to atmospheric
may change with dosage, time, temperature,
vapor. (2) The quantity of water, measured as liquid
water, removed from a specified surface per unit of time
- generally in inches or centimeters per day, month, or
Contaminant - As referred to in QSTAGs and
introduction into water of microorganisms,
chemicals, wastes, or sewage which renders the
water unfit for its intended use. Usually con-
Filter - A device or structure for removing solid or colloidal
sidered to imply the presence or possible
matter (which usually cannot be removed by
sedimentation) from water or other liquids or semiliquids
by a straining process whereby the solids are held on a
QM 4924