The bulk petroleum facilities report provides data on all bulk petroleum
storage facilities of 500 barrel capacity or more, either alone or in
manifold configurations. Defense Energy Supply Center (DESC) sends current
agency is US Army General Material & Petroleum Activity (USAGMPA). DESC
established a three year update schedule for this report. The report is
appropriate additions, changes, or deletions. The report is due to DESC via
USAGMPA by 15 August.
The report consists of six (6) sections which includes the following data:
Section I
Activity Information. Includes command, location, operating
hours etc.
Section II Tankage Information. Includes product, number of tanks by
product, shell capacity in barrels, tank characteristics (type
of construction and type of protection), tanks in/out of
service and product/tank owner etc.
Manifold Information. Includes product code (a three digit
code identifying a specific product, for
manifolds "MLT" is used), capacity (in barrels) etc.
Section IV Vessel Berth Information. Includes type, draft, size, channel,
tonnage, status (for ship, pier size and design) etc.
Section V
Receipt and Issue Capability Information. Includes data on
products, pumping hourly rate in barrels (for issuing and
receiving) and accommodations. Note: This section is divided
into five (5) parts:
Part 1 - Barge
Part 2 - Tanker
Part 3 - Tank Truck
Part 4 - Rail
Part 5 - Pipeline
Section VI Bulk Petroleum Storage Review Planning Data. Includes data on
all changes i.e. construction, repair, additions, deletions and
use etc.
All changes in bulk petroleum storage facilities which take place other than
at the time of the scheduled review and update will be reported to DESC via
USAGMPA when the change takes place. Changes will include:
Storage capacities, including product allocation which exceed 10,000 bbl
at any location.
Berthing capacities that affect the size of a tanker or barge that can be
Shipping or receiving facilities, increases or decreases.
Report Transmission.
Transmission of data through USAGMPA after updating
the report is by the mail system. Optional data submission is by the
AUTODIN system or punch card format. The AUTODIN use through the Defense
Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) is contained in DOD 4140.29M. The
keypunch format is obtained through the local data service element and
transmitted via mail.
QM 5099