The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct
answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows. If
you answer any items incorrectly, go back to the part of the lesson that contains the information involved and
study again.
1. Diesel fuel for engine use that has off-specification corrosion, carbon residue, and color can be used for what
kind of fuel?
A. JP-5.
C. Kerosene.
2. AVGAS that is unsuitable for use due to a bad RVP and distillation results can be used as what type of fuel?
B. Kerosene.
C. DF-1.
3. Who should be contacted once all possible means of reclamation have been tried?
A. The PDO.
B. Unit maintenance.
C. The JPO.
D. The DFSC.
4. What does the blending procedure consist of?
A. Removal of contaminating agents by settling.
B. Predetermined qualities of two or more similar petroleum products are mixed to produce a product of
intermediate grade or quality.
C. Off-specification product is approved for use at a lower grade of the same or similar product for which it
meets the new requirements.
D. None of the above.
5. Which of the following is one of the most commonly used reclamation techniques?
A. Disposal.
B. Storage.
C. Downgrading.
D. Commingling.
QM 5182