As the team chief of an operational water distribution point in a field
environment, you have the requirement to issue and distribute potable water.
One of the pieces of equipment you have assigned to your unit is the SMFT.
Remember that severe injury or death may result if soldiers, when operating
the SMPT, do not observe TM precautions.
Soldiers must lock the parking
brakes on mobile pumps to prevent the pumps from rolling or sliding. Never
allow soldiers to operate engines around open fuel or to refuel hot or
running engines.
Make sure soldiers do not overfill fuel tanks.
ensure they keep open flames and sparks away from the fuel tank and battery.
To avoid overheating the pump, do not allow soldiers to operate water pumps
with closed suction or discharge valves. Require soldiers to wear hearing
protection whenever they are within 50 feet of operating pumps. Never allow
soldiers to use a fuel transfer pump to transfer water.
Make sure all soldiers under your supervision know and understand their
environmental stewardship responsibilities.
Physical damage to the
environment should be minimized during field operations. The potential for
environmental damage at the distribution site is greater due to the high
volume of traffic coming through the area.
Point out that every effort
should be made to identify early any equipment/vehicle fluid leaks so that
they can be cleaned up and properly disposed of as soon as possible.
Emphasize that the use of live vegetation for camouflage during training
should be discouraged because of its detrimental effects on the environment.
Ensure vehicles using your area of operations stick to established traffic
patterns and park in designated areas to minimize environmental damage.
Once operations are completed, environmental damage should be repaired to
the greatest extent possible.
Make sure all soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow
the performance measures in tasks 101-540-1067 and 101-540-1044 found in STP
10-77W14-SM-TG when operating the 350-GPM pump and the SMFT.
The SMFT is used to line haul potable water from Corps General Support
PWS/DSs to the division and brigade support area's PWS/DSs in arid
environments. It is also used for limited unit distribution operations in
division and brigade areas in all other environments.
1. When supervising soldiers loading the empty SMFT onto the bed of the
semitrailer, use the following procedures: