briefing. Use the checkpoints not only to control the traffic but also to
monitor logging the issue of water from the supply point.
Ensure drivers
use established traffic patterns and designated parking areas. Uncontrolled
off road travel causes unnecessary damage to the environment.
f. The route to the water point should be well marked by signs posted
by water supply personnel. The signs should be clearly visible to vehicle
drivers. They should be placed so that there will be little to no cross-
Also, the signs should be posted at all critical
points within a 2-mile radius of the water supply point.
They should be
posted at side roads, crossroads, and at forks in the road.
buttons can be placed on the signs to help direct the drivers during
blackout conditions.
The signs should be made in advance and stored with
the PWS/DS.
6. Systems Operation.
The system is best described by dividing it into
four basic components: the tanks, the pumps, the hypochlorinator, and the
distribution equipment.
a. Each tank is a fabric, collapsible tank that holds either 20,000 or
50,000 gallons. It has suction, discharge, and vent openings.
b. The 350-GPM pump is used to fill the tank and to distribute water to
the loading stations.
When you are filling the tank, water flows through
inlet valves and then through the 4-inch hoses into the tank. Outlet valves
are closed during the filling operation. During distribution to the loading
station, the valve positions are reversed. The water, when dispensed, flows
from the tank through the pump and then the hypochlorination unit, after
which distribution is made to the loading station.
c. The 125-GPM pump is used to fill the tanks and to distribute water
to the loading stations. When you are filling the tank, water flows through
inlet valves, then through the 4-inch hoses into the tanks. Outlet valves
are closed during the filling operation. During distribution to the loading
stations, inlet valves are closed and outlet valves are open.
The water
flows from the tank through the pump and then to the hypochlorination unit,
after which distribution is complete to the loading or dispensing station.
d. The hypochlorinator can be located at the discharge side or the
input side of the system. In this way, the hypochlorinator can be used to
add chlorine to water coming into the system or water being discharged from
the system.
The hypochlorinator has a bypass line which meters water
flowing through it. This metering system causes a proportionate, but