(9) Identify and coordinate the joint mission essential and key tasks required for component bulk
petroleum units to meet the needs of regional OPLANS and contingency plans.
a. The U.S. Army staff management for petroleum planning and operations is in the Army Energy
Office, Office of me Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics. Daily operational supply of bulk fuel in the Army is
managed by the USAPC. Principal duties of the USAPC include determining and consolidating Army fuel
requirements, submitting procurement requests to DESC, and maintaining liaison with DESC and other military
services on operational and policy matters affecting bulk fuel operations. At the Army theater level, the TAMMC
is the item manager for bulk fuel. In accordance with DOD 4140.25, the Army provides overland bulk fuel
support to U.S. land-based forces of all the services. The Army organization responsible for carrying out the
inland distribution mission is the petroleum group. The petroleum group is responsible to the unified commander
or the detailed planning and support of all component Services. To perform this task, the petroleum group will
use available military, commercial, and host nation assets.
b. The Army is tasked with the mission of providing overland theater level bulk fuel support to U.S.
land forces of all overseas DOD components except Navy ocean terminals. This mission includes providing the
necessary force structure to construct, operate, and maintain overland pipelines in support of the wholesale theater
bulk fuel mission. In areas without an Army presence, either the dominant user designated by the joint
commander, DESC (by contract), or a combination of both will be tasked to operate the bulk fuel distribution
Air Force.
Staff management responsibility for U.S. Air Force bulk fuel is in the Fuels Policy Branch, Deputy Chief of Staff
Logistics and Engineering. Air Force Fuels Division Detachment-29 is the control point for bulk fuel
requirements and inventory management. It conducts liaison with DESC and the other services on operational
and policy matters affecting bulk fuel operations. At the Air Force major command level, the Command
Fuels/Supply Officer provides staff and command supervision over bulk fuel operations. In-flight refueling
operations are not considered bulk fuel operations and are the responsibility of the Air Mobility Command
(AMC). Organizations requiring in-flight refueling support should coordinate directly with AMC.