b. Joint petroleum operations are not new. Bulk petroleum logistics has been a joint operation for over
two decades. Our concepts depend on whether we are operating in a developed or undeveloped theater.
Regardless of the type of theater, the CINC has the predominant fuel responsibility within the theater. While each
service is responsible for direct fuel support to its forces, they coordinate fuel issues with the CINC JPO and
DESC during joint operations. The main purpose of this coordination is to ensure efficiency and avoid
duplication of effort.
c. Theater-wide petroleum management is the ultimate responsibility of the CINC through the JPO. The
day-to-day management of petroleum support is done by the JPO through coordination with the services, DESC,
and allied/host nation support. Using recommendations and advice from the services, the CINC is the final
determinant of the appropriate way to do the petroleum mission to include the proper mix service tactical
equipment, DESC contract support, and host nation agreement.
d. The following concepts may be modified to do command unique missions.
(1) Each service is responsible for providing retail bulk petroleum support to its forces.
(2) Retail petroleum is that held primarily for direct support to the end-user; for example, aircraft and
(3) When overseas, the Army is normally charged with the mission of providing overland petroleum
transportation support of all U.S. land-based forces.
(4) In areas without an Army presence, either the dominant user, DESC, or a combination of both
will operate the petroleum distribution system.
e. The wholesale or general support bulk petroleum distribution system is a push-pull resupply system.
Customers request fuel from direct support organizations. At the same time, scheduling movement of product
forward in the general support system is based on the combination of storage space available and anticipated
storage space based on projected customer demands. The basic concept is to keep storage tanks full at all times.
Bulk reduction is done as close to the customer as practicable to reduce transportation requirements.
(1) When demand exceeds availability, the petroleum group commander will recommend an
allocation system, based on priority, to support the theater plan of operations. The allocation system must be
approved by the CINC.
(2) Petroleum doctrine recognizes the differences between developed and undeveloped theaters