b. Computer-generated records, that provide daily status of each order with actual and projected
balances, may be used in lieu of DD Form 1887.
Bulk Petroleum Capability Report.
NOTE: Reference DOD 4140.25-M, Vol II, Ch 13, page 13-3.
a. POLCAP reports provide the joint staff, military services, and DLA with current petroleum data to
ensure that essential petroleum operations and readiness capability are maintained during periods of intensified
activity or tension.
b. Theater commands submit POLCAPs annually, no later than 1 May, to the joint staff During
intensified activity, the joint staff may ask CINCs to update POLCAPs by message.
c. POLCAP information includes: Any changes since the last report; product availability and
sustainability; any problems deemed appropriate; data requested.
Bulk Petroleum Contingency Report.
NOTE: Reference DOD 4140.25-M, Vol 1, Ch 13, page 13-3.
a. REPOLs provide the joint staff military services, and DLA/DESC worldwide on damage and
deficiencies of bulk petroleum supplies, storage and distribution systems. REPOLs are used to develop strategies,
and determine courses of action, in support of supply operations.
b. OCONUS Theater Commanders and DESC, for CONUS DERs, submit to the joint staff. REPOLs
are submitted as follows:
(1) Automatically upon declaration of DEFCON 1 and every 48 hours thereafter.
(2) Under peacetime conditions, twice a year, 30 March and 30 September.
(3) When considered appropriate by reporting commanders or when directed by the joint staff