(2) Applies to inland, coastal, and seawater as far out as 200 miles.
c. Resource, Conservation, and Recovery Act (RCRA).
(1) Regulates management of hazardous wastes.
(2) Includes the FFCA. Removes the waiver of "sovereign immunity" for federal facilities.
d. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.
(1) Establishes a National Priority List for cleanup of most severely contaminated or long-term
contaminated sites.
(2) Provides for a DERP.
e. Other Laws.
(1) In most cases, states implement these laws and can impose more stringent requirements. The
more stringent requirement applies.
(2) The armed forces, when in a host nation, must comply with host nation requirements. Again, the
more stringent requirement applies.
Defense Energy Supply Center.
DESC is the integrated materiel manager of wholesale fuels.
a. DESC stocks are positioned worldwide in DFSP. DSFC will fund environmental compliance costs
and some environmentally-related costs.
b. The Environmental Guide, Fuel Terminal is an excellent resource for fuel handlers. It outlines
emergency response procedures, discusses the environmental considerations associated with petroleum handling
and storage, and provides a directory of state agencies.
a. Under provisions of the CWA, installations which store any significant quantity of fuel or other
hazardous materials are required to have a SPCCP. (For specific see AR 200-1, Chapter 8). The SPCCP
identifies potential spill sites.
b. It identifies fuel storage locations, quantities, and types of fuels stored at each area; areas which could
be affected should a spill occur; and measures in place to prevent the spread of the spill.