d. From March to May, DESC reviews and validates all candidate MILCON projects submitted by the
SCPs and CINC-JPOs in conjunction with DESC's own candidate projects.
e. In May, DESC formulates a proposed "slate" of POL MILCON projects for consideration at the
DESC IPRB and will notify the SCPs and CINC-JPOs concerning the status of the proposed slate.
f. In July, the DESC IPRB will meet to review, endorse, and prioritize projects for submission to DLA.
The Board includes representatives of JCS, CINC-JPOs, Service energy offices, and DESC representatives who
vote ad formulate the consolidated slate of proposed projects.
g. From August to the following April, DLA will review and endorse or reject the DESC project
submission as part of DLA's presentation of projects to DOD for further submission to Congress for review,
approval/rejection, and funding, if applicable.
h. Congress is the ultimate approval authority for MILCON projects. Under its 5-Year Defense Plan,
Congress takes in revenue in the form of taxes, then approves spending for the Department of Defense over this
five-year time span, and votes to appropriate levels of funding for DOD projects. The 5-Yea Defense Plan
encompasses not only MILCON, but everything else associated with DOD, including weapons system
procurement; soldier/sailor pay; base housing; operations and so on.
Project Documentation.
Each project must be thoroughly researched and documented because it will compete with other projects at the
DESC IPRB, the DLA IPRFP, and various OSD and Congressional level reviews. Guidance for project
documentation is contained in DLAM 4270.1. Documentation includes:
a. DD Form 1390, Military Construction Program for each installation.
b. DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project Data.
c. Facilities Study.
d. The economic analysis must either justify the project solely on the basis of economics, or demonstrate
the lowest cost alternative in order to fulfill operational requirements. DESC recommends the use of ECONPAK
software, available at no cost from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville District. To obtain, call (205)
895-3363, DSN 788-3363, fax (205) 895-3437, DSN 788-3437, or write: