4-6. Transportation, Equipment, and Utensils, Continued
Make sure that the pressure of the final rinse water that is supplied to the
spray-type dishwashing machines is not less than 15 or more than 25 pounds per
square inch (psi). Measure the psi in the water line that is immediately adjacent to
the final rinse control valve. Provide a 1/4-inch-per-second (IPS) valve
immediately upstream from the final rinse control valve. This allows you to
check the flow pressure of the final rinse water. The final rinse temperature for
sanitizing without chemicals is 180,F.
Provide machine or waterline-mounted numerically-scaled indicating
thermometers, accurate to +/-3F (1.7C). Use these thermometers to indicate the
water temperature in each tank of the machine and the final rinse temperature as it
enters the manifold.
Use baffles, curtains, or other effective means to protect rinse water tanks by
Rinse water
minimizing the entry of wash water into the rinse water. Ensure that dishwashing
machine conveyors are timed accurately. This assures the proper exposure time
in the wash and the rinse cycles according to the manufacturers' specifications
that are attached to the machines.
Provide drainboards. Ensure that they are of adequate size for the proper handling
of soiled utensils prior to washing and for drying cleaned utensils following
As a rule, flush scrap equipment and utensils. When necessary, soak them to
Gross food
remove gross food particles and soil before you wash them in a dishwashing
particle removal
machine. However, you may omit this procedure when a prewash cycle is part of
the dishwashing machine operation.
You may employ machines that use chemicals for sanitization. However, these
machines must meet the requirements of NSF Standard 3 for chemical
sanitization. They also must meet the following criteria:
Ensure that the wash water temperature is not less than 120F (49C).
Keep the wash water clean.