pointing toward the canteen cup and your thumbs behind the
etch mark. Push the ampule with your thumbs.
Add water to the cup until it is about half full. Stir until
the ampule dissolves.
This makes enough solution for two
5-gallon cans.
Pour half of the solution into each of two 5-gallon cans. Add
water to the cans.
Close the tops.
Shake the cans several
Wait 30 minutes before you drink the water.
(3) Disinfecting Water in 400-Gallon Water Trailers.
You can
disinfect water in 400-gallon water trailers by using hypochlorite. Follow
these procedures:
Add one mess kit spoonful (33 ampules) of calcium hypochlorite
to a 1/2-canteen-can of water. Stir for about one minute or
until water and the calcium hypochlorite mix to a milky
Put the solution into the water trailer. If possible, add the
solution before you fill the trailer with water.
Adding the
water mixes the solution. If the trailer is full before you
add the chlorine solution, then mix the solution either by
stirring it with a clean pole or by towing the trailer for 10
Test the water again to be sure that it has enough chlorine.
Wait an additional 20 minutes before drinking the water.
(4) Disinfecting Water by Boiling.
Disinfect water temporarily by
boiling it in any suitable container. Bring the water to a rolling boil.
Boil the water for 15 minutes to ensure that it is disinfected. Remember
that boiling does not leave any residual disinfecting power.
Store the
water in a clean, covered container. Use it as soon as possible.
c. Food Utensils and Mess Kits.
In the field kitchen, personnel
wash dishes with a mess kit laundry.
A mess kit laundry consists of
three 32-gallon corrugated steel cans with immersion heaters.
You may
use a fourth can as a waste receptacle.
One mess kit laundry line can
handle mess kits and cooking utensils for up to 80 people.
If you are
serving more than 80 people, set up more laundries. Replace the water after