Examine Repeatability Statistics
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You must examine the repeatability statistics for the specific
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test when necessary.
(Repeatability is the difference between
successive test results, obtained by the same operator with the
same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical
test material.) This is a valuable tool, which you can use to
gauge the accuracy of the performance and can be applied to
comparative situations. Always maintain a historical log for
each technician so that you will be able to track the
performance and experience of the technician as well as provide
the appropriate level of guidance to him. Another historical log
should be made for each test equipment. This is ideal for those
equipment that require schedule calibration. Also this tool
gives you the capability to monitor equipment status and the
effects that the equipment's condition may have on the outcome
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of a particular test.
Review Recorded Results
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Review the recorded results of each test to ensure that the
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technicians not only follow the recommended procedure, but also
have recorded the result correctly.
It is very important that
you are able to perform your own calculations accurately, which
you may use to compare the technicians' results. Sometimes test
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results include the comparison of test procedure findings with a
standard for example color comparison or copper corrosion you as
the laboratory supervisor must develop an acute comparative
skill based upon the scope of the test method.
Verify the Remarks Section
The remarks section of the DA Form 2077 contains the overall
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decision about the disposition of the product. This decision is
based upon the combination of all the results of all the test
procedures performed on the product. Therefore, when reviewing,
you must check each test procedure results. Make sure that OG,
SFU, or NSFU has been annotated, as applicable.
You must also
limits from MIL-STD-3004 if the product is SFU suitable for use.
In addition, verify that all tests that failed to meet
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