a. Figures 6 and 7 shows the operating characteristics of pipeline pump
station facilities.
From these graphs, any one of three factors--the
pumping unit operating speeds, the volume of fuel throughput and the
operating head--may be estimated provided the other two factors are known.
For example, determine the operating speed required for three--pump
operation of a station on 6-inch pipeline to deliver 785 BPH (550 GPM)
against a head loss to the next station of 1,395 feet.
(1) Enter the boom chart in Figure 6 at 550 GPM. Follow the vertical
line at this point to about midway between the curves labeled "1,300 FTH"
and "1,500 FTH."
(2) Follow the intersecting horizontal line to the left side of the
chart and read 1,800 RPM.
Therefore, the three-pump operation calls for
speed for each pump of 1,800 RPM. Similarly, assume that a single 6-inch
booster pump is to be used to pump fuel from a marine terminal to a tank
farm. Data includes that the pump must overcome 300 FTH loss between the
dockside and tank farm.
c. See Figure 7.
Assume that a single 6-inch booster pump is to be
used to pump fuel from a marine terminal to a tank farm. Data includes that
pump must overcome 300 FTH loss between the dockside and the tank farm.
Determine the volume of fuel delivered by the pump at 1,800 RPM, assuming
the pump stages are connected in series (single discharge). Find the point
at which the 1,800-RPM line intersects the curve labeled "300 FTH." This
point coincides approximately with the line representing 1,000 GPM.
Therefore, the pump throughput is about 1,000 GPM or about 1,429 BPH.