c. To inform the chief dispatcher's office of all shutdowns, identify the shutdown section and take action.
4. Shift Dispatcher Functions.
Shift dispatchers are responsible for control. They act for the chief and district dispatchers during their work
5. Batching Procedures.
a. Products likely to be batched in military multi-product pipelines primarily include MOGAS, diesel fuel,
and jet fuels. Product such as kerosene have been used as a buffer at times in some of the pipeline operations but
it is not a common practice for use in the military system.
b. Batching sequences are not fixed; however, batches should be arranged to protect critical products and to
produce interfaces that can be used. In addition to creating usable interfaces, the batching sequence also aids in
quality and quantity control.
c. Products closely related are adjacent in descending or ascending order of quality or gravity. Products
most closely related in quality have the least difference in gravity. Batching sequences first schedule light
products and then heavier products.
(1) Products form interfaces that spread less with distance. The interface lengthens quickly as it first
starts downstream in the pipeline. About 65 percent of the interface will occur in the first 20 percent of the
pipeline distance.
(2) Products are more easily disposed of in one or both adjacent fuels.
This method of batching
simplifies quality surveillance.
6. Interface.
The interface is a small mixture of the two adjacent products. Product cuts are used when dealing with the
interface in a multiproduct pipeline. A number of factors must be considered when making such cuts. Interface
size can be reduced by maintaining a pumping rate needed to keep the heaviest product in turbulent flow and by
keeping the line pressurized during a shutdown.
7. Batch Designation.
Product batches are identified by use of a standard identification system. This system identifies the product,
batch, and the quantity.
a. Product code numbers form the first part of a numerical batch designation.
(1) The following product codes are commonly used.
MOGAS -- 1.
Jet Fuel -- 2 (for example, JP-4, JP-5, JP-8).
Diesel Fuel -- 3.
(2) Other products would be assigned continuing numbers by the dispatcher.