The unit environmental officer is also responsible for knowing the governing spill contingency policy, the
installation policy, the CONUS policy and/or the OCONUS policy, and any host nation policy that is relevant to
the rear in which the petroleum operation will be conduced.
The Quartermaster Corps is tasked with providing fuel to support deployments such as Desert Storm and Desert
Shield, Bright Star, JRTC, NTC, and numerous humanitarian assistance operations. In each deployment, either
single product or multiproduct fuel products were dispensed in support of petroleum fuel operations.
The petroleum NCOIC and petroleum OIC are often thought of as some of the most insignificant players when it
comes to planning field training exercises or major deployments. Oftentimes, they are even left out of the initial
planning phases. The bottom line is they are the subject matter experts. As the petroleum officer, the more
knowledge you have, the easier it will be to train your subordinates to perform their daily mission. It is
imperative that all subordinates under your supervision know and understand their responsibilities under the
Army environmental stewardship program. Your soldiers definitely need to be educated in the event that there is
some type of fuel spill. Generally, when dealing with fuel spills, one of the biggest problems is containment. It is
your responsibility to ensure that each of your soldiers is able to apply environmental awareness techniques.
Your soldiers must be able to make sound decisions that will not cause harm and/or damage to the training site or
the deployment area. In the event that there is a fuel spill, every measure of effort must be taken to ensure that the
spill is properly contained and cleaned up.
Remember accurate records and reports of receipt, storage, and shipments of petroleum products must be
maintained at all times. This lesson has been broken down into six sections. In the first section, you will receive
information about the terms and definitions associated with the batching and scheduling procedure. You will also
receive information about dispatchers and their responsibilities. In the second section, you will receive
information about the batching procedures; and in the third section, you will receive information about
consumption graphs. Section four gives information about monthly pipeline schedules. In section five, you will
receive information about the graphic progress chart. Finally, in section six, you will receive information about
daily pumping orders.