million gallons or less. Oceangoing barges with a capacity of 2.1 million gallons or more will be arranged by
MSC when DESC tanker scheduling requirements exceed the MSC-controlled fleet tanker capability.
b. Overseas. CINC-JPOs will designate an in-country U.S. military unit in each country to handle bulk
petroleum shipments via military barge. DESC will arrange through MSC all commercial barge shipments from
one port area to another (ocean transportation) and between MSC-controlled tankers and shore facilities
Inland Transportation Overseas.
Transportation of bulk petroleum products within overseas theaters will be provided by the agency designated by
the CINC JPOs IAW DOD Directive 4500.9, including inland transportation services for DLA-owned fuel to area
DESPs and base-level DESPs. DESC pays for commercial transportation.
Military Sealift Command.
a. Tanker Requirements Forecast. DESC reports long-range forecasts of bulk fuel lift requirements to
MSC. The annual forecast is required approximately five months before to the beginning of the fiscal year lift
period. Both annul and five-year forecasts are developed. DESC correlates projected product requirements with
future procurements to determine requirements that will likely require MSC tanker delivery and the most probable
source areas of procurement in each case.
b. Slating Product. Slated bulk fuel requirements for ocean tanker deliveries are submitted to DESC via
the CONUS/overseas bulk fuel slate. Cargo and vessel schedules are developed/coordinated by DESC and MSC;
logistics units are notified of cargoes, arrivals, and departures.
a. Underway Replenishment. This represents fleet oilers or MSC-controlled tankers refueling ship
bunkers at sea. Bunkerage refers to fuel carried by ships for their own propulsion use only.
b. In-port replenishment. INREP represents MSC-controlled tankers refueling APF ship bunkers in-
Consolidated Cargo.
CONSOL represents MSC-controlled tankers supplying cargo fuel to fleet oilers at sea. There are three categories
a. Charger Log IV. This is an opportune CONSOL. This means the product/cargo was not scheduled
but circumstances are such that the fleet oiler has the opportunity to use the MSC tanker. Fleet oilers rendezvous
with an MSC tanker along the tanker's prearranged route. Transfer of the product must be prearranged/approved
by DESC-OL DESC funds are used to pay for tanker diversions for 24 hours or less. If the diversion time is
greater than 24 hours, then the Navy will pay the entire diversion cost to include the first 24 hours.
b. Scheduled CONSOL. This is a scheduled replenishment at sea. All or part of the MSC tanker load is
to support U.S. Navy needs. Direct delivery of the fuel to the fleet saves the cost of fleet oilers having to make a
round trip to the DESP, resupplying the DESP after fleet oilers