When an action is physically complete, the DESPs must forward the information about the transaction within two
working days to a DFAMS data entry point.
b. There are 45 DFAMS entry points (outside DESC):
10 Defense Energy Regions
10 Defense Intermediate Control Points operated by the military services
25 Defense Energy Support Points
NOTE: Of these 45 data entry points, 15 are located CONUS and 30 are OCONUS. Some data entry points have
access to the DFAMS data base by remote terminals, but some use Autodin mode for transmitting their
transaction reports to DESC.
c. The last segment of the DFAMS transaction reporting network is the military bases. The military
bases must report their orders and receipts of DESC-owned petroleum to complete the accountability cycle and
balance their accounts.
d. Timely and accurate reporting is essential to DFAMS and the military services. Fuel supply
conditions change continually and rapidly. The sooner the transaction is reported to the data base the more
accurate the data base picture of what is happening NOW! DOD Manual 4140.25-M sets that standard of two
working days and 95 percent accuracy. The availability of up-to-date information permits better decisions and
actions by managers at all levels.
Monthly Reconciliation.
a. Reconciliation is required to meet GAO standards and to safeguard against unacceptable losses.
Reconciliation also verifies the DFAMS data base.
b. The reconciliation process requires that two figures be compared at the end of each month, both
represent a specific product at a specific location. These two figures are the findings of a physical inventory, the
amount actually on hand, and the book inventory stored in the DFAMS data base. If the two figures agree, the
accounts are reconciled; the amount in the DFAMS data base has been verified. If the two figures do not agree,
the difference must be researched and accounted for. The difference may be a gain or loss.
c. Reconciliation gives assurance that the physical stocks are secure at the terminals and that the records
in the DFAMs data base are correct. The goal of DESC is to have all accounts reconciled by the sixth calendar
day of each month.