Overseas Baseline Guidance Document and the host nation standards, contain these requirements. Coordination
should be made with the installation facility engineer to determine the requirements for discharge.
Water Treatment Environmental SOP. Probably the most important document related to water
treatment environmental stewardship will be the standing operating procedures developed by you as a senior
NCO in a water treatment unit. The water treatment environmental SOP should contain all applicable
environmental safety, training, reporting, clean-up, and doctrinal procedures as presented in this lesson. In
addition, this SOP must address situations and procedures that are specific to your particular unit's mission. The
following format taken from FM 10-426, Appendix B, will be used when developing your unit's environmental
SOP. This format outlines the sequence and content coverage required for an effective SOP.
Unit Location - Using unit location.
References - Applicable references used to develop SOP.
Required Content - SOP content.
Purpose - Tell the reason you are establishing the SOP.
Scope - Specify procedures and requirements to be covered by the SOP.
Responsibility - Responsible personnel for each set of procedures
Procedures - State which operating procedures are to be used.
Miscellaneous - Any additional pertinent information to be included.
Definition Section - Definitions of terms
Signs and Symbols - Explanation of symbols and/or signs used.
Special Instructions.
QM 4923