Do not drag hoses or cables on the ground.
Allow no running or horseplay by your personnel in the area of a ROWPU.
Report all unsafe acts or conditions immediately.
Ground all equipment as required.
Use caution when operating electrical equipment in wet areas.
Use the proper lifting techniques when lifting and carrying equipment.
Use the required number of persons for the equipment as needed.
Operate equipment only when directed to do so.
Evacuate area in case of an emergency.
Ensure that there is a fire extinguisher within 25 feet of equipment.
Do not allow open flames within 50 feet.
Ensure that all personnel wear the proper hearing protection.
Water Treatment Safety SOP. All of the information provided in this lesson would be useless if it
were not documented and used to establish a standard set of daily operating procedures that can be
incorporated into your personnel's everyday tasks. As the senior NCO of your unit , you are responsible for
developing a water treatment safety SOP. The format for most SOPs are standard and is provided in FM
10-426 (Petroleum Supply Units), Appendix B. Below is an extract from FM 10-426, Appendix B. This
format is designed to ensure a standard and complete set of procedures related to the particular SOP being
developed. It is important to realize that while this format dictates the sequence and content requirements
for an effective SOP, you must also include procedures that are peculiar to your unit and overall mission.
Unit Location - Using unit location.
References - Applicable references used to develop SOP.
Required Content - SOP content.
Purpose - Tell the reason you are establishing the SOP.
Scope - Specify procedures and requirements to be covered by the SOP.
Responsibility - Responsible personnel for each set of procedures.
Procedures - State which operating procedures are to be used and intervals when applicable.
Miscellaneous - Any additional pertinent information to be included.
Definition Section - Definitions of terms.
Signs and Symbols - Explanation of symbols and/or signs used.
Special Instructions.
Determining Expendable Supplies. Determining expendable supply requirements can be
accomplished for all water production equipment in a general nature. The only variables will be the types
and quantities that are specific to each type of water production equipment. You must maintain a 30-day on-
hand supply of expendable supplies. To manage this, the water team chiefs are required daily to provide
completed Form 1713-R (Daily Water Production Log-ROWPU), and DA Form 1714-R (Daily Water Issue
Log) (Figures 1-4 thru 1-6). By reviewing the daily results on these forms, you can establish historical data to
enable you to forecast the need for expendable supplies. The most common of these supplies for the 600-
GPH ROWPU are fuel, oil, ROWPU chemicals, cartridge filters, anise tape, O-rings, and lubricant.
DA Form 1713-R (Figures 1-4 and 1-5) contains information that will be used for reordering supplies
based on unit's basic load on hand and rates of consumption of the products.
In addition to other information provided, DA Form 1714-R (Figure 1-6) provides data to be used for the
organization of personnel for peak periods of issue and maintenance so that the water points are properly
manned; analysis of any periods of downtime that impact operations or any unusual consumption of supplies;
and recommended corrective actions as necessary.
Determining Fuel Requirements. There are two ways to estimate fuel requirements--with historical
on-site records and logs or by equipment data specifications.
Using historical data, you would rely on the daily water reports. For example, over the past two days
your daily fuel consumption for ROWPU #2 was 15 gallons for 10 hours of operation or 1.5 gallons average
per one hour. Divide the amount of fuel on hand (15 gallons) by the average consumption per hour (1.5
gallons). The result is 10 hours of operation, which is how long you can operate on 15 gallons of fuel for this
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