NOTE: If conducting multiple tanker operations, fuel should not be received into and dispensed out of the
same tanker at the same time. This would only be possible through top loading, which is a safety hazard.
As a tanker is emptied, the fuel-dispensing source is transferred to the backup tanker by the resetting of
the values at the Y and/or T. This will allow fuel issues to continue to the combat vehicles. Fuel semitrailers
can be shuttled to and from the ROM site to maintain a fueling tanker on-site.
Site Selection and Signaling. Plan a contingency plan for equipment failure. Make sure that there is
enough room in the site to move equipment. Make the most of natural cover and concealment. Include a
signal system to coordinate the operation. Use signals to start and stop refueling operations and coordinate
the vehicle serials to and from the holding areas. Use the arm and hand signals or flags during the day.
Long distances may require radio communications. At night or in low visibility conditions, use chemical light
or flashlights for signals.
Refueling Operations. Set up these areas at locations before and after the ROM site. Coordinate
areas before to the start of the operation. Use the first area (prior to the ROM site) to organize the march
column into serials of vehicles equal to the number of refueling points available. Call the vehicles forward
out of the holding area one serial at a time to move into position to receive the predetermined amount of
fuel. When each serial has received its allotted fuel, it moves to the second holding area (after the ROM
site). In the second holding area, organize the vehicles back into their convoy march elements or combat
Set up, perform PMCS, operate, and retrieve the equipment used in the operation. Ensure safety (for
example, grounding, bonding, fire extinguishers, no smoking signs, drip pans, spill equipment is in place and
personnel are familiar with procedures). Ensure personnel are familiar and equipped with operational control
signals (flags, lights, radio) to be used. Man fuel nozzles to refuel vehicles when convoy personnel (assistant
driver or commander) are not available to refuel their own vehicles. Ensure vehicles safely enter and move
through the ROM site and receive the prescribed amount of fuel.
Document the Quantity of Fuel Used. To document the quantity of fuel issued, use either DA Form
3643 (Daily issues of Petroleum Products) or DA Form 2765-1 (Request for Issue or Turn-In), depending on
the situation.
QM 5094