The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct
answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows. If
you answer any items incorrectly, go back to the part of the lesson that contains the information involved and
study again.
1. Cost excessive items such as fuel, ammunition, and paint are referred to as what type of supplies?
A. Non-expendable.
B. Major end items.
C. Expendable.
D. High dollar or controlled.
2. Which of the following is a form used to requisition supplies?
A. DA Form 2765-1.
B. DA Form 2064.
C. DD Form 314.
D. DA Label 80.
3. The mostly expendable, additional supplies required by deployable laboratories are referred to as what?
A. Self-service supplies.
B. Component parts.
C. Overpack supplies.
D. Major end items.
4. What form are supplies documented on when received?
A. DD Form 1348.
B. DA Form 3161.
C. DD Form 2064.
D. DA Form 2765-1.
5. When monitoring a petroleum laboratory supply program, supervisors are responsible for which of the
A. Monitoring the supply channel.
B. Verifying that technicians are filling out the breakage list.
C. Performing PMCS on the laboratory equipment.
D. Issuing required supplies to deployable laboratories.
QM 5181