Power input panel is closed and latched.
Grounding clamp and cable removed from grounding rod.
Grounding rod and driver/puller removed from ground.
Grounding rod, driver/puller, grounding cable, and clamp are cleaned and stored in roadside storage box.
Drain Hoses are disconnected, cleaned, and stored in roadside storage box.
Hose Adapters are stored and protective covers are installed on deck drains.
Utilities box door closed and latched.
Gum bath/fume exhaust door closed and latched.
Purge exhaust and intake doors closed and latched.
ECU canvas covers rolled down and secure.
Ladders removed from rear access and laboratory compartment access, and mechanical room access
doors removed and stored IAW TM 9-2330-362-14&P.
Rear platform stored.
ECU maintenance platform stored.
Development of a Mobile Petroleum Laboratory SOP. It is the responsibility of the petroleum
laboratory supervisor to develop a mobile laboratory SOP. The following content is required for an effective and
efficient SOP.
Preventive maintenance procedures. PMCS procedures for the mobile laboratory are provided in TM 10-
6640-215-13, Chapter 4.
Set-up, power-up, and shut-down procedures. Set-up, power-down, and shut-down procedures are
provided in TM 10-6640-215-13, Chapter 2.
Supply replacement procedures.
Mobile laboratory storage procedures and overpack (TM 10-6640-215-13).
Placarding procedures.
The recommended format for the mobile laboratory SOP can be found in FM 10-426, Appendix B.
QM 5183