The importance of providing for drainage cannot be overemphasized. The site should be on high porous ground
to prevent it from becoming excessively muddy or swampy. If adequate natural drainage is not available,
drainage ditches will have to be dug at the point of distribution and production. Note any reference on the reports
to units moving up to previously occupied water point sites. A once desirable site can turn into a quagmire which
can cause serious maintenance problems. Do not assume that because a site was previously used, it is
automatically an acceptable choice for your unit.
Sites need to be level and large enough to accommodate the size of the operation. Whether it is a small
purification site or a large storage and distribution site, ensure that there is enough space for safe operation of the
operational site. Consider the operating capacity of the system and components. This should include the distance
from the source to the ROWPU; distance from the ROWPU to the distribution point; suction lift of the pumps;
height of the banks, high tides, and rising water levels; accessibility of the site to vehicles and equipment; and
adequate parking area.
Site must be large enough for water point operators and security forces. In selecting a site, consider sanitation,
comfort of troops, and location. Personnel must be readily available when needed.
Consider the distance from the closest and farthest supported units. These factors will be of great importance
when a distribution schedule is made.
Choose a water site easily accessible to vehicles and personnel. Determine if the road nets are sufficient to
withstand the heaviest vehicles under all weather conditions. They should have turnarounds that are large enough
so that traffic will not become blocked or congested. One-way traffic in and out would be ideal. Besides strong
road nets, routes need to offer cover and concealment when possible. To have an adequate parking area is a very
desirable feature. Avoid MSRs and choose a site with access to through roads. In a case where the routes of
communication need improvements, plan to use the engineer support personnel. However, as much as possible,
choose a water site that is already easily accessible to vehicles and equipment. As much as possible, attempt to
reduce the need for the use of external resources.
Figure 1-1 shows a completed DA Form 1712-R, documenting test results and a sketch of the area.