2. Remember that death or severe injury may result if soldiers do not observe precautions listed in TMs when
operating the water support equipment Soldiers must lock the parking brakes on mobile pumps to prevent the
pumps from rolling or sliding. Never allow soldiers to operate engines around open fuel or to refuel hot or
running engines. Make sure soldiers do not overfill fuel tanks and that they keep open flame and sparks away
from the fuel tank and battery. Never allow soldiers to operate water pumps against a closed suction or
discharge valve, since this may cause overheating of the pump. Require soldiers to wear hearing protection
whenever they are within 50 feet of operating pumps. Never allow soldiers to use a fuel transfer pump to
transfer water.
3. As the NCOIC of a water point in a field environment you have the responsibility to ensure that sufficient
quantities of potable water are stored, issued and distributed to consuming units. One of the pieces of
equipment you have assigned to your unit is the 3,000-gallon onion tank.
4. Check that all 10-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow the performance
measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-1068, 101-540-1069, and 101-540-1056 from STP 10-77W14-SM-TG
when operating the 125-GPM pump and the PWS/DS. Check that all 20-level soldiers under your supervision
know, understand, and follow the performance measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-2009, 101-540-2018, and
101-540-2030 from STP 10-77W14-SM-TG when operating the 125-GPM pump and the PWS/DS.
5. Make sure all the soldiers under your supervision know and understand their responsibilities under the
environmental stewardship program. Ensure all your personnel have had environmental awareness training.
Ensure the soldiers are familiar with unit SOPs and supervise their compliance with the laws and regulations.
6. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise site selection for the
ONION rank. Soldiers must:
a. Select an area that is free from sharp objects (rocks, sticks, glass) which could cut or puncture the
b. Select an area that has a slope of 10 percent (one foot rise in 10 feet distance) or less.
c. Select an area that does not have abrupt drop-offs of greater than 4 inches.
7. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise ONION tank unpacking.
Soldiers must:
a. Inspect for damage incurred during movement and report all discrepancies in accordance with the
instructions in DA Pam 738-750.
b. Use care when unpacking the tank as it can be easily damaged by tools, packing box nails, or other
sharp objects.
c. Unpack, inventory, and inspect components.
8. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise ONION tank setup.
Soldiers must:
a. Set the tank on the ground with the three carrying handles up. Remove the four straps from the D-
rings to release the bundle and unfold the cover from around the tank. Lift the tank from the cover and set it in
the center of the site.