COMMZ and forward into the corps area by TWDS. These PWS/DSs can vary in size from 800,000 to 1.6
million gallons, consisting of 50,000-gallon collapsible fabric tanks. DS units, augmented with 40,000- and
300,000-gallon PWS/DS, receive water from SMFTs that move water supplies from the GS water units in the
corps/COMMZ into the division/brigade areas. The 300,000-gallon system is equipped with sixteen 20,000-
gallon collapsible fabric tanks configured either as one 300,000 gallon tank farm or as two 160,000-gallon tank
farms. The 40,000-gallon system is equipped with two 20,000-gallon tanks.
13. As the NCOIC of a water section in an armor cavalry regiment, your unit has deployed to an arid
environment. You have been issued a 40,000-gallon arid augmentation kit to set up and operate. You have the
responsibility to ensure that sufficient quantities of potable water are stored, issued and distributed to
consuming units.
14. Remember that death or severe injury may result if soldiers do not observe precautions listed in TMs when
operating the water support equipment. Never allow soldiers to operate engines around open fuel or to refuel
hot or running engines. Make sure soldiers do not overfill fuel tanks and that they keep open flame and sparks
away from the fuel tank and battery. Never allow soldiers to operate water pumps against a closed suction or
discharge valve, since this may cause overheating of the pump. Require soldiers to wear hearing protection
whenever they are within 50 feet of operating pumps. Never allow soldiers to use a fuel transfer pump to
transfer water.
15. Check that all 10-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow the performance
measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-1055, 101-540-1056, 101-540-1068, and 101-540-1069 from STP 10-
77W14-SM-TG when operating the 125-GPM pump, 100/400 -GPM hypochlorination units, and the PWS/DS.
Check that all 20-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow the performance measures
in Evaluation Guide 101-540-2009, 101-540-2018, and 101-540-2030 from STP 10-77W14-SM-TG when
operating the 125-GPM pump and the PWS/DS.
16. Make sure all the soldiers under your supervision know and understand their responsibilities under the
environmental stewardship program. Ensure all your personnel have had environmental awareness training.
Ensure the soldiers are familiar with unit SOPs and supervise their compliance with the laws and regulations.
17. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise setup, operation, and
disassembly of the 40K PWS/DS. Soldiers must:
a. Select an area that is free from sharp objects (rocks, sticks, glass) which could cut or puncture the
tank. The area must be level. Ensure the site is large enough to contain all system components.
b. Unpack the components needed for setup. Three 20K collapsible tanks are packaged in two reusable
water tank chests. One chest contains two tanks. The other chest contains one tank and the accessories needed
to set up and operate the system.
c. Inventory and inspect the equipment for damage.
d. Place one 125-GPM pump at the water source. Position the pump so that the female quick-
disconnect coupling points toward the source.