(4) Allocate resources for BPWRS requirements, compute the POS requirements, and develop the
inventory management plan by location.
(5) Develop the funding for the annual quantity of BPWRS requested for any fiscal year.
(6) Continuously evaluate the petroleum market and advise the USD (A&T), CJCS and military
services of considerations critical to peacetime and wartime operations and planning.
(7) Establish and maintain DFRs and DFOs as necessary.
g. Defense Fuel Regions and Defense Fuel Offices. DFRs and DFOs provide regional logistical support
for Defense Fuel Supply Points worldwide. Defense fuel offices are subregional offices of overseas DFRs.
(1) There are four CONUS DFRs and three overseas DFRs:
(a) DFR Northeast is located at MacGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey.
(b) DFR Central is located in St. Louis, Missouri.
(c) DFR South is located in Houston, Texas. DFR South is also responsible for the Caribbean,
Central America, and South America.
(d) DFR West is located in San Pedro, California.
(e) DFR Europe is located in Pirmasens, Federal Republic of Germany. DFR Europe is
responsible for Continental Europe, United Kingdom, Mediterranean Sea, Iceland, Scandinavia, Azores, Turkey,
and Africa (less the countries assigned to DFR Middle East). DFR Europe has three Defense Fuel Offices: DFO-
Italy, DFO-NATO, and DFO-Turkey.
(f) DFR Middle East is located in Juffair, Bahrain and is responsible for Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Djibouti, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan.
(g) DFR Pacific is located at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii and is responsible for Hawaii,
Marianas, Philippines, Korea, Japan, Ryuku Island, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaya, East
Indies, Burma, Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean, South Pacific, Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands. DFR Pacific has two
Defense Fuel Offices; DFO Alaska located at Elmendorf Air Force Base and DFO Korea located in Taegu, Korea.
(2) DFRs responsibilities are to:
(a) Order fuel based on Distribution Plan Authorizations.
(b) Transport fuel by the most economic means possible.