(d) Logistics Division (J-4). Develops logistics plans and coordinates and supervises supply,
maintenance, repair, evacuation, transportation, construction, and related logistics activities. The primary thrust
of joint logistics operations is to coordinate service programs and integrate then with the joint commander's
concept of support.
1 The J-4 Division has numerous sections for each functional area of logistics.
2 The Joint Petroleum Office is part of the unified command J-4 Division and is
responsible for advising the commander on all petroleum related plans and policies.
3 In overseas areas, the JPO is responsible for consolidating all of the services petroleum
requirements and preparing the "slate."
(e) Plans and Policies Division (J-5). Develops long-range plans. The division prepares
campaign, concept and operations plans, and the associated Commanders Estimate of the Situation. If the
command has no J-5 division, these responsibilities fall to the J-3.
(f) Command, Control and Communications Division (J-6). Develops command responsibilities
and development of electronics and automatic information systems.
(g) Security Assistance Division. Coordinates the support of military and economic aid to host
nations in the command's region of responsibility. This function is vitally important to U.S. foreign policy. This
division is found in the J-4 if it is not a separate organization.
(h) Interoperability Division. If this is a separate division from the J-3, it is responsible joint
planning, plans evaluation and analysis, development of joint doctrine, coordinating joint education and training,
and the conduct of joint training exercises.
(i) Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Division. Plans and programs the budgeting
system and coordinating budget activities between the services in the command.
c. Department of Defense Agencies. DOD Agencies report to the Secretary of Defense through the
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Map ping Agency
Defense Nuclear Agency
Military Communications-Electronics Board