Fuels Automated Management System.
The Air Force uses: the Air Force Accountability System. The system is maintained at base level. The base fuel
operation can account for all fuel distribution down to the tail number of the aircraft in which the fuel was
dispensed too. This system is currently under revision and will be combined with DFAMS, the resulting system
will become the FAS.
Management of DFAMS.
a. The Directorate of Supply Operations (DESC-O) has the key role for DFAMS transaction reporting
and related applications. Several other organizations are involved in varying degrees. They are:
(1) Office of Telecommunications and Information Systems (DESC-S). DESC-S is responsible for
the telecommunication and electron processing systems and equipment.
DFAMs relies heavily on
telecommunications and teleprocessing. DESC-S has the major responsibility for DFAMS long-range planning,
systems and concept formulation, system design and acquisition, operational implementation, and progressive
system improvements.
(2) All DESC Users of DFAMS Data. Principal users of DFAMS information products include the
Comptroller (DESC-C), the Accounting and Finance Division (DESC-CD), the Directorate of Contracting and
Production (DESC-P), the Stock Control Division (DESC-OC), and the Inventory Management Division (DESC-
OD). These principal users of DFAMS information contribute to the development of DFAMS applications and
participate in changes to the system which affect their needs.
(3) MILSPETS Administration. MILSPETS is involved in the coordination of all DFAMS
development or changes that affect the military services. Since DFAMS is a DOD-wide system, all DFAMS
system developments or changes must have MILSPETS coordination. This gives the military services
representation on development and changes to the system.
(4) Defense Energy Regions. DERs participate in DFAMS development and refinement. The DERs
often suggest improvements to the system based on their field operating experience. DESC may arrange to have
one or more regions pilot and evaluate system changes before they are adopted system wide.
Responsibilities Within Directorate of Supply Operations (DESC-O).
a. System Development and Improvements (DESC-OB). DESC-OB works within approved program
development plans and initiates improvements in the DFAMS system and coordinates them with other activities.
DESC-OB is the DESC representative on the MILSPETS committee.