In the eyes:
Flush the eyes for several minutes with clean water to try to remove the product.
Cover the eyes for several minutes with a sterilized dressing, and prevent the victim from rubbing the
Seek medical help immediately.
On the clothing:
Remove the clothing after soaking the fuel-soaked clothing first with water. (This should prevent
Wash with soap and water and rinse thoroughly.
Get to medical help, if needed.
Accident reporting is a very important aspect of a fire and safety program. Accident reports allow all personnel,
from the front line supervisor to senior doctrinal planners, to track and quantify safety-related trends that may
lead to changes or revisions in Army or even DOD policy related to doctrine and general procedures. By
ensuring the proper completion of accident reports, you, as a supervisor, are providing useful data that may be
used to effect changes in unsafe procedures and practices that in turn will save lives in the future and provide for
a more efficient and effective Army. Instructions for the use and procedures for properly completing DA Form
285 can be found in AR 385-40.
All of the information provided in this lesson would be useless if it were not documented and used to establish a
standard set of daily operating procedures that can be incorporated into your personnel's everyday tasks. As the
senior NCO of your unit , you are responsible for developing a petroleum supply fire and safety SOP. The
format for most SOPs is standard and is provided in Appendix B of FM 10-426 (Petroleum Supply Units). Below
is an extract from FM 10-426, Appendix B. This format is designed to ensure a standard and complete set of
procedures related to the particular SOP being developed. It is important to realize that while this format dictates
the sequence and content requirements for an effective SOP, you must also include procedures that are peculiar
to your unit and overall mission.
Unit Location - Using unit location.
References - Applicable references used to develop SOP.
Required - SOP content.
Purpose - Tell the reason you are establishing the SOP.
Scope - Specify procedures and requirements to be covered by the SOP.
Responsibility - Responsible personnel for each set of procedures.
Procedures - State which operating procedures are to be used and intervals when applicable.
Miscellaneous - Any additional pertinent information to be included.
Definition Section - Definitions of terms.
Signs and Symbols - Explanation of symbols and/or signs used.
Special Instructions.
QM 5097