will begin with change highlights. Text changes are shown in italics and new processes are
shown in regular type and appear at the end of the section.
Appendices contain very useful information that is seldom used by the users of AFMIS
(1) Appendix A. This appendix is broken down into two sections
(a) Section 1 is abbreviations and acronyms.
(b) Section 2 is computer terms related to the AFMIS DFO Sub-system.
(2) Appendix B. You will find common error messages, corrective measures of error
messages, and user problem reporting procedures to report any problems you might have with
AFMIS. You as managers need to note that error messages should be reported only to the
System Administer after all means of solving the problem at the lowest level has been
(3) Appendix C. This appendix will give examples of all outputs (hard copy reports)
that the DFO Sub-system prints out. Included on this report is a Product Control Number
(PCN), and a description of each report. There are currently 47 reports within the DFO Sub-
system. Appendix C can also be used to reference MARKS filing dispositions.
(4) Appendix D. This appendix is broken down in two sections for the user each
functional area should have its own SOP to ensure daily operations are accomplished.
(5) Appendix E. Gives you an example of the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
This means that all functional areas should work the same. Within the COOP is a contingency
plan, and the purpose of this plan is to ensure managers/users of AFMIS know what to do if an
error or complete shutdown of the system occurs.
(6) Appendix F. Gives you the information needed to fill out DA Form 5005-R. This
form replaced the DA Form 4157, System change request and supplements DD Form 1692,
Engineer Change Proposal-Software (ECP-S). DA Form 5005-R is a dual-purpose form used
either to report software problems (Problems Report) and/or to propose changes to software
baselines (ECP-S). This form is completed at the functional level (e.g., DFO, TISA, TISA-W,
IFA) and submitted to the AFMIS SA for resolution or forwarded to the MACOM level.
(7) Appendix G. Will give you examples on how to use each piece of equipment
accompanied with your AFMIS system. For example the keyboard, monitor, and printer.
5. Application of MARKS. MARKS apply to all Unclassified Army records, to include
SECRET records. Records that are categorized TOP SECRET may be set up under MARKS or
in any manner that will make accountability and control easier.
QM 6312