b. Screen identification. Once you are logged on to AFMIS you will get a message, which
will show the last login. This will tell users when the last person was logged on. Again, this is a
security measure used within AFMIS, which will ensure unauthorized users from performing
unauthorized transactions.
c. Bulletin Boards. Once you have logged on successfully, you will then view briefly the
AFMIS Banner, you then will come to the DFO bulletin boards. There are two bulletin boards
that should be read daily. Managers need to check these boards daily for important information.
These boards change on a daily basis.
(1) SA. This bulletin board lists information about turn-ins, account card
reconciliations, and other special activities that may occur during the month.
(2) IFA. This bulletin board lists information concerning menu boards, classes, and
other important activities that managers need to stay abreast of.
d. DFO Command Menu. You should now be on the Dining Facility Command Menu
(DFO Command Menu). This is your main menu from which you will start all inquires, and/or
e. Menu Selections. AFMIS-DFO is a menu-driven system. By making a menu selection,
you can choose what area you want to begin working in. A menu screen is like a road map.
You can find out where you are and determine where you want to go from any menu displayed.
f. Securing a Session. It is just as important to know how to log-off of AFMIS as it is to
log-on. You should always inform users to properly log-off the system anytime they will not be
right in front of AFMIS. Securing the system is important, and can also ensure no unauthorized
transactions are made.
The following items will test your grasp of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one
correct answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the
answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, study again that part of the lesson
that contains the portion involved.
How many sub-systems are within AFMIS?
QM 6312