b. Water Container. Always inspect containers for signs of contamination before use,
before filling at distribution points, and before deployment.
c. Water Trailers. Check all manhole covers and make sure the sealing gasket is in place
and free of excessive cracks and dry rot.
d. Drain Plug. Make sure the plug is operable. It should come off without excessive effort.
e. Interior. Check the interior for excessive cracks and signs of being used for storing
products other than water.
f. Spigots. Inspect spigots for cleanliness and operation. Be sure all handles operate freely.
g. Water Sterilizing Bags. Clean all water sterilizing bags before using them. Ensure that
water bags are elevated enough to prevent contamination by wildlife. Remember to check the
chlorine level of the water daily.
3. Mess Kit Laundry Line. In the field kitchen, all dishwashing is done with a mess kit
laundry. The washing of food utensils, pots, pans, and sometimes mess kits themselves require
some type of sterilization and sanitation. Each basic step of how to wash the mess kit and
utensils needs to be understood by the persons who will do it. A group of three cans can handle
mess kits and eating utensils for 80 people. An extra 32-gallon can, filled with boiling water may
be used as a predip if mess kits are used in place of disposable eating ware.
a. Proper Washing Procedure. Proper cleaning is needed to keep pots, pans, utensils, and
mess kits sanitized.
(1) In the field, the right way to wash eating utensils and mess kits is to scrape, wash,
prerinse, rinse, and air-dry them, in that order.
(2) Scrape to get rid of excess food so the wash water will not get too dirty.
(3) You wash utensils in a hot hand dishwashing compound solution at a temperature
of 110 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to get them clean.
(4) You prerinse in water at a 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit to get rid of the suds.
(5) You rinse in water at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 seconds to sanitize the utensils.
b. With high temperature rinsing and sanitizing
(1) Scrape food scraps from utensils or mess kits into the garbage can, pit,
or trench; prewash the items if you can.
QM 6322