One fuel handling hose line outfit (assault hose line).
One electric floodlight.
One gas engine generator (3 kW).
Eight filter/separators.
One FARE system.
Make sure you have the necessary vehicles needed to transport the
equipment to the new site.
Four semitrailers, stake, 12-ton, with equipment.
Four tractor trucks and 5-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, with equipment.
Two cargo trucks and 5-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, with equipment.
Two cargo trailers, 1-1/2 ton, 2-wheel, with equipment.
Loading Plan. Next you must develop a loading plan, a tentative plan,
and issue a warning order to give soldiers time to prepare for the
mission. Determine the total number and types of fuel transporters
needed to move the product on hand. Determine the type and number of
transporters needed to move the system. Determine the type and number of
transporters needed to move personnel.
Your plans for loading personnel and equipment should apply to every
type of transport that may be used in a movement. Make the plan before
the move to allow time for packing. Base your plan on the type of
transport to be used; the number of persons involved; and the type, size,
weight, and quantity of supplies and equipment to be moved. When
preparing the plan, consider the priority of loading and the safety of
equipment and supplies in transit. Design the plan to permit quick and
orderly unloading and regrouping of personnel and equipment. Once the
equipment is loaded, make sure it is properly secured and make sure the
pumps are braced, blocked, and tied.
Before you complete your plan, you need to have an idea where you will
operate and what the terrain looks like. Consult the latest intelligence
map or, if possible, conduct a reconnaissance and walk around the area.
This will give you an idea about the type of terrain in which you will be
working. Information from the reconnaissance can either change or delay
the mission.
Once you complete your plan, issue an operation order. Once you
complete the operation order, issue your order orally. Whenever
possible, issue the order from a location where your soldiers can see
their objective. If this cannot be done, use a terrain model or a
sketch. When you issue the complete order, make sure your soldiers
understand it. Be sure they know how you expect to accomplish the
mission and how they fit into the overall plan. Explain to them what to
do if you lose communication, and make sure you give the order in
language they understand. The final step in troop-leading procedures is
supervision. After you issue the warning order, you must diligently and
constantly check details, conduct back briefs, rehearsals, and before the
operation begins, inspect. Troop-leading procedures help you prepare
your soldiers for any type of operation using logical step-by-step
procedures. Use it as a mental checklist to make sure you do not
overlook anything important. Keep in mind that no single individual can
do everything by himself or herself, not even you. Use your subordinates
and get the job done right.
QM 5099