Remarks. Use the Remarks block for any pertinent information that would have impact on daily
operations. If the equipment must operate all day and personnel have little or no backup equipment,
show this equipment in the Remarks block. Also, state POL consumed, chemicals used, and any other
operational information.
Distribution Log Use. Use the distribution log to draft a distribution schedule memorandum for the
commander, indicating the dates, times, and amount each supporting unit should dispatch water, and dates,
times, and amount of water required at the distribution point. Include additional instructions such as requests
for increased water to meet mission demands (to maintain command storage levels) or transportation
requirements to move water forward to other storage/distribution points. Distribute the memorandum, after
signature by the commander, to the supported and supporting units in advance to ensure sufficient time for
planning. The completed water distribution logs are sent to the water supervisor for planning data.
QM 4922