thief strikes the bottom of the tank, the valves shut automatically. The other type has a projecting stem
on the valve rod which opens the valves automatically as the stem strikes the bottom of the tank.
Bottle/Beaker Sampler (refer to Fig. A-2 and A-3) the weighted copper beaker sampler consists of a
copper bottle permanently attached to a lead base and a drop cord. This sampler is used to take upper,
middle, lower, or all-level samples of liquid products of 16 psi or less RVP. The weighted bottle sampler
consists of a glass bottle within a square, weighted metal holder and a drop cord. This sampler has the
same application as the weighted beaker sampler, but with its wider mouth, it can be used for sampling
heavier products.
Fig. 4-2. Weighted Beaker
Extended Tube Sampler consists of a flexible tube connected to the suction of a manually operated
pump. The tubing is attached to the weighted end of a conductive wire or tape. This sampler may be
used only for obtaining bottom water samples.
Closed Core Thief Sampler - designed so that a sample can be obtained from the bottom ,, inch of the
car or tank. It has a uniform cross section and bottom closure with a capacity depending upon the size of
the sample required, and it may be used for sampling crude petroleum.
Manual Sampling Probes used to withdraw from the flowing stream a portion that will be representative
of the entire stream.
Dipper (size relative to sample size desired) consists of a flared bowl and a handle of convenient
length, made of material such as tinned steel that will not affect the product being tested. The dipper
should have a capacity suitable for the amount to be collected and must be protected from dust and dirt
when not in use.
QM 5180