Worksheet. DA Form 2077 (Petroleum Products Laboratory Analysis Report) is filled out according to
data on the sample tag.
After all test memorandums and worksheets are returned to the senior laboratory technician, the result of out-
processing begins. Worksheets or W/S's are reviewed to identify analysis results and to record the results
and recommended disposition in the "Remarks" section of the W/S by the laboratory NCOIC. DA Form
2077 is prepared from the W/S and then reviewed by the laboratory NCOIC and signed by the laboratory
officer. DA Form 2077 disposition:
Original for the laboratory official result file (filed in laboratory number sequence).
One copy to the laboratory's higher command.
Two copies to the sample submitting unit.
The sample tag is removed from the testing file and stapled to the W/S and test memorandums. They are
filed in laboratory number sequence in the completed working file.
QM 5180