(4) Double-click the Windows Applications icon to open Microsoft Word. Some
basics about the computer screen include:
(a) The Tool Bar: The tool bar runs across the top of the screen and contains
menu items and tools you can use to quickly perform some of the more common MS Word
commands. Buttons on the MS Word toolbar are not labeled; pause the mouse over the button
and MS
Word displays its "title"
(b) The blank screen: You type your text in this empty space. The
blinking cursor is your insertion point and can be moved using the arrow keys on your keyboard
or by clicking a new location with the mouse.
(c) The Status Bar: The strip at the bottom of the screen is the status bar
that shows basic information about your document.
(5) Point your cursor on the File menu command and click the mouse. MS Word
displays the basic File menu. Some basic information about the File menu commands include:
(a) New: Click on the New menu item to create a new, blank document.
MS Word displays a blank page.
(b) Open: Click on the word Open to open an existing document. MS Word
displays a list of documents that already exist. Double-click on the document you wish to open.
You may open several documents at once; open documents layer on top of one another.
(c) Close: Click on the word Close to close the document. MS Word closes the
document if you have just saved it; otherwise it asks if you want to save your changes.
(d) Save: Click on Save to save changes you have made to an open
document. Remember to save often!
(e) Save As: Click on Save As to give your document a new name or to
store it in a new location.
b. Microsoft Word. The Microsoft tutorial has three selections; the following instructions
follow along with Getting Started, the first of these three selections.
Quick Preview. Point the cursor on the menu item Help, then Quick Preview, then Getting
Started. This is a tutorial for Microsoft Word 6.0. The following information follows along
with the Getting Started selection of the Quick Preview tutorial.
c. Wizards. The buttons across the top of the screen can help you create letters, memos,
and other documents by using the wizards that come with Word. Wizards are formatted forms
and documents. You will learn how to do the following: